
The purpose of LYC Foundation is to promote sailing and sailing instruction on the water, preserve the memories of the Yacht Club, and members past and present. The Foundation is organized for the purposes of raising, receiving and administering funds and property, both real and personal for: The perpetuation of the memory of members and past members of the Leland Yacht Club. The preservation of objects of historical and natural interest, including the Leland Yacht Club building, property, equipment, surrounding properties and its surrounding environment. Providing educational opportunities for amateur sailors through instruction, training, equipment, competition, scholarships, grants and access to the water. Funding and promoting educational opportunities for amateur sailors through local regional, national and international competitive, scientific and recreational sailing. Carry out and/or fund the charitable, educational, religious, scientific and public welfare needs of our community. Some of the uses of the funds include building improvements, sailboat purchases, whaler or pontoon purchases and scholarships.

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